The aim of the study was to measure the level of anxiety and self-confidence before and after competitions in artistic gymnastics. The participant was 46 gymnasts aged 15 to 27, 14 female and 32 male. Results indicate no differences in average with comparing analysis of the level of cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence, between the first measure realized 30 minutes before the competition and second measure, realized when the gymnasts were fully relaxed. For realization of the study was used formal questionnaires to collect needed data through the questionnaire (CSAI-2R; Cox et al., 2003) and other general data which was considered important for research. In order to analyze results was used concluding analyses which show significant differences between male and female on the self-confidence, where male demonstrate higher level of confidence while female have demonstrated lower level of self-confidence. While, as regards somatic and cognitive anxiety there were no significant statistic differences found in relation to gender. Based on the regressive analyze it appears that predicting factor in the case of somatic anxiety is cognitive anxiety. The intensity of cognitive anxiety causes somatic anxiety with the value β = .632, p=.000. Anxiety and self-confidence appear to be very important factors in achieving the top results, as they also have an impact on each-other and also express their impact depending of specifics and peculiarities of gymnasts.
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