Edessa Lou M. Cañada, Rodolfo II M. Osorno


The purpose of this study was to determine teaching competency and music performance as moderated by the ICT skills of teachers. Utilizing quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 300 MAPEH teachers of the public secondary schools who are teaching junior high school students (Grades 7, 8, 9 and 10) under the Division of Sarangani, Sarangani Province, Region XII. The researcher utilized total population sampling and an online survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized statistical tools such as mean, Pearson r, multiple regression and moderator analysis. From the results of the study, it was found that there are very high levels of mean scores of teaching competency, and high levels of music performance and teachers’ ICT skills. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between teaching competency and music performance, a significant relationship between teaching competency and teachers’ ICT skills, and a significant relationship between teachers’ ICT skills and music performance. Moreover, there is no moderation in the effect of teachers’ ICT skills on the relationship between teaching competency and music performance.


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education, teachers ICT skills, teaching competency, music performance, correlation, regression, moderation analysis Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v9i2.4546


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