Rudelyn R. Cagongon, Rodolfo II N. Osorno


The purpose of this study was to determine the moderating effect of Physical Education motivation on the relationship between positive experiences at school and PE self-efficacy of high school students. Utilizing quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 300 Grade levels 11 and 12 students of the 3 public secondary schools in Jose Abad Santos 2, Davao Occidental, Region XI. The researcher utilized stratified random sampling and an online survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized the statistical tools: mean, Pearson r and moderation analysis. From the results of the study, it was found that there is a very high level of positive experiences at school, high levels of PE self-efficacy in high school students and physical education motivation. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between positive experiences at school and the PE self-efficacy of high school students. Also, there is a significant relationship between physical education motivation and PE self-efficacy of high school students, and a significant relationship between physical education motivation and positive experiences at school. Moreover, there is no moderation in the effect of physical education motivation on the relationship between positive experiences at school and PE self-efficacy of high school students.


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education, physical education motivation, positive experiences at school, self-efficacy, correlation, moderation analysis, Philippines

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