Ünsal Tazegül


The aim of this study is to find out the relationship between the physically disabled athletes’ body persecution and personality traits. The sample of the study comprised a total 40 voluntarily participating athletes. Eysenck Personality Survey short form, of which validity and reliability have been done by Karancı and his friends in 2007, and Body Admiration Scale, of which validity and reliability have been done by Anlı and his friends in 2007, has been used as data collection tool. SPSS 20 Packet Programme has been used for analyzing the collected data. “Kolmogorov-Smirnov” single sample test has been applied to learn whether the data have a normal distribution or not. “Anova-Homogeneity of Variance” Test has been applied to detect the data homogeneity and it has been found out that data have normal and homogeneous distribution. Descriptive Statistic, Pearson Correlation Analysis and Regression analysis have been applied for analyzing the data. At the end of the Statistical Analysis, It has been found out that there is a negative direction relationship between body admiration score and neuroticism and the psychoticism scores.


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body admiration, personality, disabled, athlete


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