SM Farooque, Prasanta Kumar Das, Mukesh Mitra, Krishnendu Dhar


The research aims to find out the effect of 12 weeks SAQ and Circuit Training on skill ability of soccer players. The subjects were 30 males under 19 national level players. The selected players were divided into two different groups of SAQ and circuit group, consisting of 15 players each. Proper consent was taken from all the players and baseline data were collected before starting the training program. After the baseline collection, the players underwent the treatment for 12 weeks SAQ and Circuit Training for one hour each day for four days a week. The significant changes were found from baseline to post treatment in each player on Skill ability. The significant increase in shooting and dribbling were observed. The results indicate SAQ and Circuit Training program is an effective training program for soccer players to enhance their shooting and dribbling ability.


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proficiency, treatment, baseline, SAQ and circuit, dribbling, shooting

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v9i5.4750


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Copyright (c) 2023 SM Farooque, Prasanta Kumar Das, Mukesh Mitra, Krishnendu Dhar

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