Sanjay Kumar Prajapati, Tanu Shree Yadav, Pooja Kumari, Zsolt Németh


In order to examine future trends and difficulties based on these challenges, the purpose of this study is to highlight the challenges that physical education instructors in schools across India currently face. Teachers are encouraged by a variety of variables to perform well and enhance student engagement in their lessons. However, there aren't enough PE teachers in the classroom, there aren't enough classes, there aren't enough facilities, and teachers can't enrol in modern, professional courses. More classes should be allocated, there should be more PE instructors in the school, and there should be more modern courses available if you want to make the future of PE teachers more attractive. This will foster a passion for physical education instruction. This study investigates every facet of the issue.


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school, physical education, teacher, India, challenges

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Copyright (c) 2023 Sanjay Kumar Prajapati, Tanu Shree Yadav, Pooja Kumari, Zsolt Németh

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