Tran Ngoc Cuong, Huynh Duy Hai


Movement games not only help students improve their general fitness but also help increase excitement during exercise. However, the impact of movement games on physical development has not been determined, especially for non-sports majors. The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of movement games on male physical fitness in Physical Education courses. 51 healthy male student volunteers were randomly divided into 3 groups (15w, 7w, and control). Movement games were selected and applied to the experimental group (15w and 7w), while the control group did not apply movement games and practice according to the preset 15-week training program. The results in this study indicated that the application of MG for male students at Saigon University during PE courses had a positive way to enhance general physical fitness (i.e., the explosive power of the legs, agility, speed, and maximal aerobic speed). Future studies should focus on the impact in the time of movement games application, specific characteristics to different schools, as well as the evolution of physical development at each age when using the movement games.


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movement games, physical fitness, male students, 15-week experiment

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