Mai Van Ngoan, Nguyen Quang Son, Le Vu Ngoc Toan, Tran Anh Hao


The purpose of the study is to provide information about the current physical condition of 19-year-old male students of the Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCMC) dormitory. The research used the methods of synthesizing sport-related documents, interviewing experts, applying pedagogical tests, and statistical analysis to determine appropriate physical fitness assessment tests. Afterward, the figures for the physical condition of male students at the VNUHCMC dormitory were compared with that of the average Vietnamese people, of Hanoi National University (HNU), University of Danang (UD), Can Tho University (CTU), and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) students at the same age and gender, and with the standard shown in Decision 53/2008/BGDDT of the Ministry of Education and Training. The results show that the “good” group accounts for 28.75%, the “acceptable” group for 23.19% and the “failed” group for 48.06%. It is notable that the agility, leg muscular strength, endurance, and motor skills of 19-year-old male students at the VNUHCMC dormitory are greater than the average physical fitness of Vietnamese people, as well as students of the same age and gender at HNU, UD, and CTU. Their endurance is also higher than that of male HCMC pupils of the same age, but their leg muscular strength and motor abilities are almost comparable.


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physical condition, male students, dormitory, Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City

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