Cüneyt Seydioğlu, İsmail Kaya


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between leisure time management and the quality of life of individuals of different generations who have received sports education and are still continuing their education. The population of the study consists of individuals who are currently studying or graduated from the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education and Sports School in Istanbul province. As the sample group, Istanbul Topkapı University, Marmara University, and Istanbul Cerrahpaşa University were selected because they have applied units (Faculty of Sports Sciences and School of Physical Education Sports). A total of 318 students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences and School of Physical Education and Sports who were studying and graduated from these universities participated voluntarily. After the participants were informed about the scales, the data were collected. The data were analysed in a computer environment using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) programme. The normal distribution of the scores was analysed by examining normal distribution curves, skewness kurtosis values, normal distribution curves employing histograms, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test values used when the group size is greater than 50. As a result of the skewness and kurtosis analyses of the data, it was determined that the data were suitable for parametric test conditions. In the analysis of the data, frequency, arithmetic mean and standard deviation; independent group t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the differences between variables, and the Tukey test, one of the Post Hoc tests, was used to determine between which groups the difference occurred. As a result of the statistics obtained; a significant difference was found in the sub-dimensions of Goal Setting and Method sub-dimensions of the leisure time management scale according to the generations of the participants. It is thought that older individuals make life plans and time management better.


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sport, leisure, quality of life, generation

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