The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Adventure Sports Programme on vital capacity and resting pulse rate. Total thirteen (N=13) subjects were taken from Bachelor of physical education students of Dibrugarh University with ages ranging between 20 to 25 years. The training programme was organised by Dibrugarh University in collaboration with Manipur Mountaineering & Trekking Association, Manipur at Lamdan, Manipur, India at 1250 metre height above sea level. For the study, the pre-test post-test single group design was employed. The experimental treatment was given to the subjects through the selected adventure sports programme i.e. Morning 45 minutes regular conditioning, Bouldering, Rock climbing and Rappelling, Obstacle training, Jungle survival, Trekking, River crossing, Paragliding, Boating, Camping and Social works. To analyse the collected data t-test statistical technique was employed and the level of significant was kept at 0.05 level of confidence. On the basis of the statistical technique, it was concluded that there was not significant improvement of vital capacity (tabulated t 0.05 (24) =1.711 > 0.74) and resting pulse rate (tabulated t 0.05 (24) =1.711 > 0.30).
Abstract/Article vizualizations
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v1i2.53
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