Nguyen Duy Quyet, Ngo Xuan Duc, Nguyen Mạnh Toan


Extracurricular sports are voluntary learner-oriented sports implemented during non-class hours and suited for the student's interests, gender, age, and physical base. This paper was written to provide thorough information about the extracurricular sports engagement of 872 students from 11 high schools in the northern mountainous area of Vietnam. The researchers utilized statistical analysis and sociological surveys to collect such extensive quantitative data. Six criteria were also suggested to evaluate the circumstances. The findings show that the number of students who regularly participate in extracurricular sports accounts for 23.19%, of which males account for 23.92% and females 22.40%, and over 28% of them confirm that they love and are actively involved in playing sports after school. Moreover, all of the schools confirm that they do organize extracurricular sports for their students and most of them are conducted with the guidance of teachers. The most popular contents of extracurricular sports include shuttlecock kicking, football and badminton. In the 2022-2023 school year, there have been 18 intramural sports tournaments and 10 off-campus sports tournaments held with a total of 1392 students attending.


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current status, extracurricular sports, high school students, northern mountainous areas

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v10i6.5320


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Copyright (c) 2024 Nguyen Duy Quyet, Ngo Xuan Duc, Nguyen Mạnh Toan

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