Bernabas Wani, Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana, Maria Stefania Wae


This study conducts a thorough evaluation of the management processes involved in the 2023 Ngada Regency High School Student League football tournaments hosted at STKIP Citra Bakti. It investigates several critical aspects of football league management, including team management, planning, organization, execution, and evaluation of match outcomes. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive methodology, data was gathered through detailed observations and structured interviews with key participants. The analysis focused on the interplay between antecedents (pre-event preparations), transactions (event execution), and outcomes (post-event evaluation), providing a comprehensive view of management effectiveness. Findings reveal that meticulous pre-event planning and robust organization strategies led to efficient game execution and positive evaluations. Notably, the study identified that proactive conflict resolution during planning phases and adaptive management during games were pivotal in enhancing the event's success. The implications of these findings extend beyond the immediate context, contributing to the broader field of sports management. They underscore the importance of strategic planning and dynamic management in organizing successful student sports events. This research adds to the existing knowledge by demonstrating how integrated management practices can optimize event outcomes and student engagement in sports, suggesting a model that can be replicated in similar contexts globally.


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evaluation; football; match management; student league

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v11i1.5356


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