Novandi Firdaus Yusup, F. Fauzi, T. Tomoliyus, Abdul Alim, Ratna Budiarti, Trisnar Adi Prabowo, Isfan Alfredatama


This research aims to analyze in depth the stress management abilities of karate athletes in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research, with a survey approach. The sample for this research was 30 male karate athletes who were undergoing PELATDA (Regional Training) and would be prepared to participate in the national karate championship in Indonesia. Athlete characteristics: age 18.01±3.2 years, training experience 10.46±0.5 years, age at first competition 11.87±5.9 years, number of competition involvement in one year 3 – 5 competitions. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire prepared using a Likert scale. There are four dimensions in this instrument, namely the competition dimension, emotional dimension, substantial dimension and mental dimension. Data analysis was descriptive using a percentage formula, then grouped into four categories. The results of this study were 11 athletes (36%) had 'very high' stress, 5 athletes (19%) had 'high' stress, 6 athletes (21%) had 'low' stress 8 athletes (24%) had 'very low' stress'. This conclusion is that stress is a psychological condition that must be managed well by athletes. Because stress can affect an athlete's performance directly or indirectly. Practical ways to manage stress are positive thinking, taking special time for yourself, relaxation, and mental exercise. This research hopes to provide in-depth insight and information on the importance of managing stress in athletes in all types of sports.


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stress management, athlete performance, karate

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Copyright (c) 2024 Novandi Firdaus Yusup, F. Fauzi, T. Tomoliyus, Abdul Alim, Ratna Budiarti, Trisnar Adi Prabowo, Isfan Alfredatama

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