The research aims to identify the effect of using some plyometric exercises to improve explosive power and digital achievement in the effectiveness of the long jump between pre and post-tests for the sample research. The researchers used an experimental method in conformity with research nature. The sample was formed by students belonging to the sport and physical education institute, University of Mostaganem (Algeria). 44 students were chosen and divided into two equal groups. The broad jump test of stability and digital achievement test were used. After statistical processing of the crude results, researchers found that plyometric exercises used led to the explosive power improvement for legs and so the digital achievement in long jump between pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test, in addition to the superiority of the experimental sample to the controlled one in tests results.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v1i2.55
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Copyright (c) 2016 Houcine Benzidane, Djamel Mokrani, Koutchouk Sidi Mohamed, Asli Houcine, Zerguine Sadek

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