Haider Kazem Abdel Zahra


Several aspects represent the importance of the psychological aspect of that segment, the most important of which is the psychological pressures facing that segment; hence, the researcher wanted to study part of those psychological conditions that negatively affect through studies, which are subject to the results and that one of the most important of those variables to be studied is negative ruminative thinking, which is an obstacle stone that affects the intellectual and physical development of the student in general and the student of physical education and sports sciences in particular, who is the previous negative thoughts to the student's mind, which affects the student's level physically and mentally, whether they are males or females. Hence, the importance of the research is to highlight the psychological aspect of ruminative negative thinking in the research sample. The research problem lies in the study of negative ruminative thinking. The researcher pushed the study of this variable on the research sample after noticing the lack of interest in sports activities and the loss of motivation and energy by most students, which is one of the symptoms of negative ruminative thinking, which reflects negatively on the results of students. The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, where the study aimed to build and codify the ruminative negative thinking scale for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, while the research fields included the human field. A sample of students of the first stage of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Maysan University) for the academic year 2023-2024. Classrooms of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Maysan. The time range is determined: the period from 15/11/2023 to 15/01/2024. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the (comparative) method, and the research sample consisted of (166) male and female students from the first stage divided into 123 male and 43 female students as well as the researcher built and applied the ruminative negative thinking scale and the SPSS system was used to obtain the results of the research, and the researcher concluded that practicing sports activity by adhering to lectures among female students had a positive impact on the psychological state more than students. The researcher recommended emphasizing parents, professors, and the university administration as a whole to pay attention to students' affairs for the purpose of harmony with society, especially in the first stage.


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constructing and standardizing, negative ruminative thinking, according to the gender variable

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