Sport Development in a region cannot be measured only based on one indicator of medal achievement in multi-event competition, but can be done by measuring open space, human resource (HR) and the public participation in doing sport activities. Although it’s a simple thing, but it will give the right information about long term development clearly, especially in sport sector which is more relatable with other development sectors. The purpose of this research was investigating the index of open space, the index of HR and the index of public participation. Technique of sampling in the research used Stratified random sampling with cluster sampling and the amount of the sample is 270 people. The research used evaluation method. The technique of collecting Data used observation, questioner, and document. The result of the research showed the amount of the index of open space was 0,711, the index of HR was 0.0010, and the index of public participation was 0,237. The conclusion of this research is Wonogiri Regency have enough open space for sport but has few HR of sport. This describes that the Wonogiri still in great need of human resources involved in sport will be able to develop and promote the potential of sport in Wonogiri. Meanwhile, the public participation in Wonogiri Regency in doing sport is very less; there are only 0,237 people in Wonogiri Regency who participate in sport, minimum three times a week, although they are provided good enough open space. It means that sports development Wonogiri is far from developed. Many things need to be considered and addressed by the government to promote sports development in Wonogiri.
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