The lack of the basic technique skill and physical ability in intermediate futsal players became the matter of the current issue. The coaches suggested that the basic techniques and physical ability of futsal are the weak part of intermediate level players. The lack of specific exercise that aimed at improving the skills of basic techniques and physical ability levels intermediate futsal players becomes the reason of this weakness. The method uses in this research is the developmental research method, that does with three stages, which are, (1) necessity analysis stage (preliminary study), (2) the stage of testing the product, (3) the stage of testing the effectiveness of the product (experimental). The result showed that basic technical skill is group experiment to= 232.379 > ttable = 4.032, control group to = 36.368 > ttables = 4.032. The physical ability of futsal, the power of group experiment to= 47.222 > ttable = 4.032, control group to = 47.558 > ttable = 4.032. The ability of group experiment to = 79.915 > ttable= 4.032, control group to = 68.935 > ttable = 4.032. The speed of group experiment to = 107.573 ttable > = 4.032, control group to = 41.029 > ttable = 4.032. The strength of group experiment to = 164.841 ttable > = 4.032, control group to = 82.839 > ttable = 4.032. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the product development exercises model of basic techniques and physical exercises for Futsal players in intermediate level proved effectively improve the skills of basic techniques and physical ability on levels intermediate futsal players in the city of Malang.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Bagus Wahyu Prastyo, S. Sugiyanto, Muchsin Doewes

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