Paraskevi Andritsou, Stylianos Kaprinis, Emmanouil Skordilis


In physical education environments that embrace diversity, teachers' attitudes and concerns about inclusive education depend not only on the academic intelligence of those teaching but also on their emotional intelligence and maturity. Emotional awareness skills, understanding and managing the emotions of teachers themselves and their students facilitate a social justice perspective in education. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between physical education teachers' emotional intelligence and their attitudes, perceptions and concerns towards inclusion. It also tested whether demographic factors (gender, age, level of education, teaching experience and special education studies) influence both perceived emotional intelligence and attitudes towards inclusion. Finally, the study examined whether emotional intelligence can be a predictor of physical education teachers' attitudes, perceptions, and concerns for creating an inclusive school environment. The participants were 200 physical education teachers who responded on the (a) Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale -WLEIS (Wong & Law, 2002) and (b) The Sentiments, Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education Scale Revised [SACIE-R]) (Loreman, Earle, Sharma & Forlin, 2011). The Spearman correlation coefficient revealed a negative correlation between emotional intelligence and teachers' negative feelings and concerns about inclusive education. Teachers with high levels of emotional intelligence had fewer concerns about inclusion and harbour fewer negative feelings about people with disabilities. A moderately positive correlation of emotional literacy with teachers' attitudes toward inclusion was observed. The results also showed that female teachers, educators with many years of teaching experience, teachers with higher academic qualifications and those with specialized studies in special education have higher levels of emotional intelligence and more favourable attitudes towards inclusive physical education. In contrast, younger teachers, those with a basic degree and no training in adapted PE, show higher levels of concern regarding the success of the inclusive practices they adopt. Finally, specialized studies and training in special education were significant predictors of positive feelings towards inclusion and the reduction of teachers' concerns about the successful implementation of inclusive practices.


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emotional intelligence, attitudes, inclusive education, disability, PE teachers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v12i2.5820


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