This research aims to know the achievement development of archery sport in Perpani Klaten. Up to now, Klaten is known as a storehouse of talented archer who dominate archery branch in the national championship and started competing in international championships such as the Sea Games and OPEN. From some of the achievements of Archery athletes, Klaten is not as bright as supporting factors the training of the athletes. There are still weaknesses that have not been considered by the local government in Perpani Klaten in coaching achievement. This research is qualitative and descriptive and is using a qualitative approach, observation, analysis of document and interview. Data sources in this research are the board of KONI, board of Perpani, coaches, and athletes in archery Klaten regency. The result of this research is associated with the development of perpani Klaten achievement that includes organizational structure, funding, coaching accomplishments, and infrastructure. Method which has been used in the execution of achievement Perpani Klaten has been very good but there are still weaknesses that need to be repaired and enhanced in getting achievement. Based on this research, research concluded that: the development of archery achievement in Perpani klaten is been very good. It can be seen from the organizational structure, funding, coaching achievements, as well as the infrastructure that has been investigated.
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