This study aims to find out, (1) the difference influence between approaching methods of repetitive and progressive learning towards the shooting three-point in Basketball. (2) The difference of basketball shooting three points at students who have low and high of basic movement skill. (3) The possibility interaction exists on the methods of learning approaches and basic movement skill against basketball shooting three points.
Study methods used in this study is an experimentation method using 2 x 2 factorial designs. The sample used in this study are 36 people (9 people with high basic movement skill and 9 people with low basic movement using progressive approach and 9 people with high basic movement skill and 9 people with low basic movement skill using repetitive learning approach). The technique of data analysis used in this study is a technique of variants analysis (ANAVA) design factorial 2 x 2 at = 0.05. When the value of F is obtained (Fo) the analysis is significant then continued with range test Hewman-Keuls. The results showed that, (1) Fanalysis= 1.30 < Ftable = 4.15 with level of significance of 5%. Thus the result of the zero hypotheses (H0) is received. (2) Fanalysis = 36.90 > Ftable= 4.15. Thus the result of the zero hypotheses (H0) is denied. (3) Fanalysis = 7.06 > Ftable = 4.15. Thus the result of the zero hypotheses (H0) is denied. (1) There is no significant difference between the approaches of repetitive and progressive learning against the results of three point shooting skills at the basketball game. (2) There is a significant difference in the skill of learning results of three-point between the students who have high and low basic movement skill. (3) There is a significant influence of interaction between the difference of learning and level of movement skill toward learning the result of three points shooting on the basketball game.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Herlambang Joko Christianto, Muchsin Doewes, Sapta Kunta Purnama

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