The purpose of the study was to “compare the aggression between basketball and volleyball players. Method: Sixty male interuniversity basketball (N1=30) and volleyball (N2=30) players from Punjabi university Patiala, Punjab, India were selected as the subjects for the study. The subjects were represented North zone Inter-varsity competition and all India inter-varsity championship in their respective sports and age ranging from 18 to 24 years. These subjects were selected in terms of purposive sample from respective games. The sport aggression inventory (SAI) standardized by Mr. Anand Kumar and Mr. Prem Shankar Shukla (1998) was used for this study. It was hypothesized that there would be significant difference between basketball and volleyball players on the degree of aggression. The independent ‘t’ test was used to compare the degree of aggression between basketball and volleyball players. The level of significance for testing the hypothesis was set at 0.05 level of confidence. Findings: The mean and standard deviation of the score of basketball players was 14.5 and 1.19 respectively whereas the mean and standard deviation of the score of volleyball players was 11.06 and 1.33 respectively. The calculated t- value was 10.48 which showed significant difference between basketball and volleyball players on the degree of aggression. (tcal=10.48 >ttab=2.009). The aggression level of basketball players was found to be higher than the volleyball players. The t-value required to be significant for 58 degree of freedom was 2.009 at 0.05 level of confidence.
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