The purpose of this research was to discuss the effects of stability and cognitive yoga exercises on certain kinematics of gaiting and life quality among active elderly women. The population of this research includes 100 women aged between 61 and 88 years who inhabit in Karaj’s Kahrizak nursing home. Among the population, 30 individuals matched our research criterions and therefore, they were selected as the sample of the research in a random sampling method. The age of subjects ranged between 63 to 83 years. In addition, their height ranged between 139.5 to 160 cm and also their weight ranged between 48 to 88 kilograms. Kinematics of gaiting was evaluated beforehand to participation in exercise protocols. Afterwards, the subjects of the experimental group were administered 24 sessions of exercise and after the exercises, the kinematics of gaiting was measured again. On the other hand, the control group also undertook morning exercises under the supervision of the coach of the facility. The collected statistical data were processed with independent and dependent t-tests and also for the purpose of assuring a normal data distribution, the Shapiro test was performed at a confidence level of P= 0.05. Results indicated that after eight weeks of performing stability and cognitive yoga trainings, the lengths of the right and left paces and also the pace speed were significantly improved and increased among elderlies. The variables of life quality, stance time and swing time and pace frequency were also significantly increased among the experimental group. However, this increase was not significant compared with the control group.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Neda Ghadimi, Mina Bikdeli, Fatemeh Royatvand Ghiasvand, Behnaz Ganji Samin, Elham Shirzad

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