Dasih Ayu Wulansari, Agus Kristiyanto, Muchsin Doewes


Sport is an activity meant to develop physical strength and the body. In order to make the body strong enough it must be adequately trained. It becomes more agile and the chances to survive are increasing. There are factors that the athlete must possess, such as, technical capabilities, strategy, physic, and well psychology. There are several ways to achieve the maximum achievement in sports. The one of the ways is by scouting talent. The main purpose of identifying prospective athletes is to identify and select prospective athletes; who have the best ability that appropriate of the sport chosen. In terms of talent there are other things that affect the achievement of one's athletes include body shape and interest in the sport. This experiment used qualitative and quantitative description, sample of the experiment are all the students of all Surakarta Muhammadiyah junior high school, and the total of the samples are 240 respondents. Variable on this experiment consists of 2 independents variable, they are gender and body shape. 2 dependents variable are interested and talented. Data were analyzed using regression correlation analysis with the testing requirements of normality and linearity test. Hypothesis testing using regression analysis and correlation of each predictor and multiple regression analysis and correlation double. The result of the experiment shows that male students who have endomorph body type, there are total 12 numbers of students who have shot put talent. There are 10 (25%) students mesomorph body type in table tennis. The most number is ectomorph body type, there are 9 (22,5%) students in sprinter. The result of the experiment shows that female students who have endomorph body type, there are total 10 numbers of students who have shot put talent. There are 10 (25%) students mesomorph body type in table tennis. The most number is ectomorph body type, there are 11 (27,5%) students in sprinter. The resume of this experiment is there are not correlation between gender and sport talented, there are not correlation between body type and sport talented, and there are correlation between body type and sport talented.


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