The purpose of this study to find out the truth about (1) the effect of prenatal yoga to changes lung volumes third trimester of pregnancy, (2) the effect of prenatal yoga to changes sleep quality third trimester of pregnancy. The method used in this study is an experimental research method. The research design used one group pretest posttest. The sample were used in this study are pregnants women who become followed the yoga exercises in Nismara Mom and Kids Surakarta, with 24 respondents. Data analysis techniques in this study used inferential statistical analysis (inductive). The technique of data collection using spirometry to measure lung volume and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index for measure the sleep quality. The results showed the increase of lung volume. The results of paired samples t-test in the 1st test and the 2nd test was show the value of the probability p = 0,000. There is means a pregnant yoga exercise influence on changes lung volumes the third trimester of pregnancy. The result of 3th Wilcoxon test showed the same thing, the probability value are p = 0,000. There is means a pregnant yoga exercise influence of changes lung volumes the third trimester of pregnancy. The results of calculation sleep quality questionnaires using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was indicated the changes quality of sleep. There is seen from Wilcoxon test with a probability value p= 0.000 indicates that a pregnant yoga exercise influence changed the quality of sleep in the third trimester of pregnancy. The conclusion of this study is a prenatal yoga increased of lung volume and sleep quality in the third trimester of pregnancy.
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