Learning opportunities for adults exist in a variety of settings ranging from a formal institution to a place of employment. It is important to acknowledge prior knowledge and experiences of learners, including their ability to recognize their own skills as lifelong learners, Merriam, 1999 in Conlan, Grabwoski, Smith. Considerations for adult development and learning include biological, physical and psychological development including deterioration and disease processes that may occur and sociocultural and integrative perspectives on development (Merriam, 1999 in Conlan, Grabowski, Smith). While the most common reason for adults to place themselves in a learning environment is a life-changing event, once in that environment there are many factors that affect the learning experience. The most significant is referred to here as the briefcase brought with them. Briefcase may include (Conlan, Grabowski, Smith):
- Life experience (including life altering events that affect cognitive abilities);
- Work experience (including development of thinking patterns based on this experience);
- Positive/negative previous adult learning experiences;
- Performance effectors, including cognitive and physical abilities;
- Time between learning interactions;
- Aging factor.
In developing countries these factors may not be considered when planning adult physical and sport education programs, and with ignoring the importance of physical activities in those countries, it is very significant to have sufficient knowledge about philosophies and theories of adult education, the psychology and the physical statues of adult learner and to have the necessary tools to plan successful adult education programs. Therefore, this paper discusses the following issues: andragogy, kinds of learning and settings for learning. The paper concluded with recommendations for practitioners, adult teachers and adult program planers
Article visualizations:
Dorothy D. Billington, New horizon of learning, 1996.
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Adult learning,
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Julie Conlan, Sarah Grabowski, Katie Smith (2015), Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, University of Georgia, USA.
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