Purpose: The multiple sclerosis disease is one of the most common progressive neurological diseases in young adults. According to this matter, that risk possibility is two or three times more than healthy people. The purpose of current study is to survey the effect of balance training on posture sway in multiple sclerosis patients
Study method: The current study is semi-experimental. In this regard, 20 patients with multiple sclerosis from MS Society of Iran with age range of (41/8512/59) and scale score of disability progression (0-5) were participated in this study during 10 weeks (three times a week and Each session 1.5 hour). The posture sway in subjects were measured before and after practicing with static stabilometer machine, and also the paired sample t test with (P≤0.05) for results comparison was used.
Results: The results of research showed that the effect of balance training on general fluctuations decrement (P= 0.000), anterior - posterior (P=0.02) and sway speed range (P=0.01) was meaningful but the exercises effect on medio-lateral sway (P=0.07) was meaningful.
Conclusion: The achieved results from the study showed that the selected balance training was effective on general posture sway especially anterior–posterior.
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