This study is prepared with the aim of determining the opinions and expectations about recreation and sportive recreation habits of public officials working in the governance of Gaziantep province between 2013-2014. For this study, a sportive recreation scale, which was previously validated and reliable by İc (2004), was used. Descriptive Method was used in the study. A total of 69 people consisting of 21 women and 48 men who worked in the provincial governorship of Gaziantep participated in the survey. As a means of data collection in the survey, questions were asked to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants in the first section and sportive recreation scale was used in the second section. The scale consists of 4 sub-dimensions and 14 items, and a five-point Likert scale is used. SPSS for Windows Version 16.0 package program was used for the statistical analysis of the study data and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. İn the analysis of the data, descriptive statistical methods (Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation) were used. İndependent sample t-test and Anova test were used in the analysis of hypotheses. The scale was subjected to the reliability test by the Cronbach Alpha statistical method and the study questionnaire was found to be valid at a rate of 0.89. As a descriptive statistic frequency are percentage values are looked at. As a result of the survey, it is found that most of the participants in the survey are high school and university graduates and mostly civil servants, they are mostly 41 years old and over, most of them were doing sport as local and amateur or at the school but currently they do not play sports at a great rate and at the same time they do not participate in recreational activities, they play football with the greatest participation as a sporting recreation activity.
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