The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of sport skill acquisition in two selected sports on the self- perception of in-school adolescence. Experimental research design was adopted for the study. The Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP, Fox & Corbin, 1989) was administered on 160 participants who took part in an eight week structured exercise intervention using the pre-post- test method. The mean and standard deviation of the pre and post treatment PSPP score of male and female participants in basketball, badminton and control were revealed (A= 96.50 ± 12.7; A = 80.58 ± 17.49; A = 73.83 ± 17.84) and (A=100.68 ± 8.94; A = 95.71 ± 7.15; A = 73.74 ± 17.89), respectively. A Two Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test for difference among means the result revealed significant effect in the pre and post treatment sport groups (<0.05). To determine the location of the significant effect, a post hoc analysis was carried out (<0.05). The study concluded that basketball and badminton skill training had a significant effect on the self-perception of participants irrespective of sex and age
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.785
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