The objective of this research was doing an examination about the relationship of socio-economic status (SES) with leisure time spending in the girls of Sanandaj city emphasizing sporting activities. The method of research was descriptive-correlated and has been done as field research. The population of the research consisted of all young girls of Sanandaj aged between 15-29 years old which 384 samples were selected by using multi-stage cluster sampling. The tools of research were Godrat Nama SES questionnaire (2013) and free time questionnaire of Kolsomzade (2011) with the reliability coefficient of 0.86 and 0.88 respectively. Descriptive Statistics and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test inferential statistics, Pearson correlation and regression were used for analysing of data. Results indicated that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between socio-economic statuses, income, economic class and father's education with spending leisure time of participants. But there was not found a meaningful relationship between mother's education and housing situation with spending leisure time of participants. Also in the simultaneous regression model, Beta coefficient indicated that the components of income (2.531), economic class (2.485) and father's education (2.182) have positive effect on the variable of spending leisure time of the young girls of Sanandaj city. In general, it can be concluded that improving the economic situation of the family and promoting literacy can have significant impact on the spending leisure time of young girls.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.88
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