The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of outdoor advertising in football, volleyball and basketball in Sanandaj on attracting enthusiasts and spectators, so this research is descriptive survey. The samples consisted of athletes and spectators in three fields of soccer, volleyball and handball in the city of Sanandaj in the first six months of 2016. Due to the uncertainty of the exact size of the study, sample size was determined using Morgan table 384 that data related to400 individual is collected and analyzed. To collect research data, two questionnaires of demographic characteristics and environmental impact of advertising self-made questionnaire were used to attract enthusiasts and sports fans. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 11 experts in marketing and reliability using Cronbach's alpha was (α = 0.85). The data was collected by simple random sampling. And finally, 400 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. For this purpose, the test of K-S, Spearman correlation test and one-sample t-test was performed using the statistical package SPSS version 22. The results showed that among the means of outdoor advertising, the media, billboards and banners were with the greatest abundance and distribution in the city. And there is an inverse correlation between the effectiveness of outdoor advertising with age (r387 = 0.34) and education (r399 = 0.28) (P < 0.05); Also, the visual appeal in design, message transfer, proper placement of outdoor advertising media and advertising tool based on the type of audience and the general condition of the effectiveness of outdoor advertising in Sanandaj exercise were inappropriate
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