Ratko Pavlović, Bojan Bjelica, Dobromir Bonacin, Radomir Pržulj, Nikola Stojanović


Motor abilities as the anthropological status segment of a human participate in the implementation of various movement structures, and are an indispensable part of human latent and manifested space. Depending on the type of movement structures depends on their mode of manifestation. Most of them are more or less correlated with other segments of the anthropological area. The most common connection is related to the morphology and dimensions of the individual parameters of the morphological status, for example, Lorentz constitution index, body mass index (BMI), and so on. The current research was conducted on a sample of 40 male students, aged 16 ± 0.5 years from Busovača (BIH) in order to determine possible differences between individuals with different values of BMI. According to the objective of the research was selected the intentional sample of subjects: 20 normal weight students (BMI=20.79±1,79kg/m²) and 20 students with excessive nutritional status (BMI=26.55±0,88kg/m²). For the evaluation of motor abilities were defined tests for the assessment of the balance (flamingo-MFLA), flexibility (reaching in sitting-MFLE). To determine the difference between respondents was applied the module T-test for small independent samples. The results obtained confirm statistically significant differences between normal and over-fed students in the realization of defined motor abilities required a level of significance (p <0.001).


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anthropological status, nutritional status, age, students, differences


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.928


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