The aim of this study was to determine the effect of passive smoking on children by comparing some of the respiratory parameters of the children of smoker and non-smoker parents. A total of 200 students, aged 12-14 years, were participated in the study, including 100 students who were exposed to smoke and 100 students who were not exposed to smoke. The age, body weight and respiratory functions of the students were measured. Respiratory parameters were assessed as forced vital capacity (FVC), maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), vital capacity (VC) data. The independent t test was used in the analysis of the obtained data. Significant differences were found among the groups in all of the age, height and respiration parameters of males and females (p<0.05). When the significant difference in VC values examined, there was no difference in FVC and MVV values between groups of respiratory parameters of passive smokers and non-smokers (p>0.05), significant differences were found in VC values (p <0.05). As a result, we found that VC which is the respiratory functions in children who were exposed to cigarette smoke was affected negatively in our study. Changing parent's smoking behavior will contribute to increased quality of life of children who exposed to cigarette smoke.
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