According to these research achievements, there is a meaningful relationship between all variables and the direction of all relationships is negative. By increasing in each of variables of nutrition knowledge, aerobic power and physical activity level the amount of the students body mass index decreases. So we can find out that nutrition knowledge, aerobic power and physical activity level are affected by the nomination of body mass index changing. Also heavy and fat are increasing in the boy students. 9.5% of students are lights 61.5% have normal weight, 21% are heavy and 7.8% are fat. 409 persons were used in this descriptive studying. The questionnaire of demographic information and the body test index was filled for them, and the body mass index (kg.m²) was calculated. The amount of physical activity was tested with physical activity questionnaire (Baeck), the amount of nutrition knowledge according to filling the standard questionnaire of nutrition knowledge (Parmenter & Wardal 1999) and the amount of aerobic Power was measured whit the a strand stairs test. The amount of physical activity, nutrition knowledge and different weight ranking prevalence was considered by statistic witting. According to the key pattern of the information collection about the effective factors on different body weight classes (fat, heavy, normal weight and light); this studying for achieving the information about physical activity and nutrition knowledge pattern, (for stuff model consumption) had done on boy student’s whit different weight ranking in Tonekabon. The average of length, weight and age was been 177±8.35 cm, 74.4±15.95 kg.m², 22.2±3.45. In addition to the most profusions of refers to the normal weight ranking by 252 students and 61.6%, the least refers to the fat ranking by 32 students and 7.8% .The average and the veer of standard of participation examinations in this research show that nutrition knowledge 43.8 ± 7.32, aerobic power 2.47±0.52, physical activity level 7.92±1.27 was achieved.
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