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Aytaç, Kürşat Yusuf, Adiyaman University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Turkey (Turkey)
Aytaç, Kürşat Yusuf, Adiyaman University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Turkey
Ayyıldız Durhan, Tebessüm, Gazi University, Faculty of Sports Science, Turkey


Şahin, Şenay, Uludağ University Sport Sciences Faculty, Bursa, Turkey
Şahin, Emrah, Gaziantep University, Sport Science Faculty, Gaziantep, Turkey
Şahin, Ersin, Uludag University Faculty of Educational Sciences, Turkey
Şahin, Mehmet, Assistant Professor Dr., High school of Physical Education and Sports, Lefke European University, Lefke, NCTR
Şahin, Mehmet, Lefke Avrupa University, School of Physical Education and Sports Lefke, TRNC
Şahin, Mehmet, European University of Lefke, School of Physical Education and Sports, TRNC
Şahin, Mehmet, Asst. Prof. Dr., Lefke European University, School of Physical Education and Sports, TRNC
Şahin, Mehmet, European University of Lefke, School of Physical Education and Sports, TRNC
Şahin, Metin, Selçuk University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Konya, Turkey
Şahin, Süleyman, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Investment and Enterprises, Deputy Director General Turkey Orcid: 0000-0002-4702-55181
Şahiner, Vesile, Erciyes University, Health Sciences Institute, Turkey
Şahinkaya, Türker, Lecturer, İstanbul University, Sport Medicine Department, Turkey
Şam, Tuğba, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Graduate Education Institute, Department of Recreation, Turkey


Azari, Saeid Mahmoodizad, PhD, Sport Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Azeddine, Rami, Institute of Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, University of M’Sila, Algeria
Azeddine, Rami, University of Bouira, Algeria
Azeez, Aram Othman, Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey


Şen, Ilhan, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
Şen, Murat, Sakarya University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Turkey
Şenel, Ömer, Gazi University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
Şengül, Osman, İstanbul Nişantaşı University, İstanbul, Türkiye
Şentürk, Aydın, Dumlupinar University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Kutahya, Turkey

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