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Jagić, Dario, Health Life Academy, Croatia
Jahanmahin, Mohammad, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Payame Noor University, Iran
Jain, Rita, Dr., Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Jain, Rita, Associate Professor, Indira Gandhi Institute of PE & SS, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Jaiyeoba, Oluwatoyin M., Department of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Jalal Moghtader, Seyed, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Malekan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malekan, Iran
Jao, Kiara Shiloh T., Graduating Student, Bachelor of Physical Education, College of Teacher Education, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
Jarani, Juel, Prof. Dr., University of Sports in Tirana, University of Tirana, Albania
Jodi, Mojtaba, M.Sc, Physical Education and Sport Marketing, Azad University, Ghazvin Branch, Iran
Johnson, Jerraco L., School of Kinesiology, Auburn University, 301 Wire Road, Auburn, AL, 36849, USA
Joko Christianto, Herlambang, Study Program of Sport Science, Magister Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
Joksimović, Marko, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joksimović, Marko
Joksimović, Marko, Football club National, Podgorica, Montenegro
Joksimović, Marko, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University Of East Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina
Joseph Berning, J., New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA
Joshi, Laxmi Narayan, Dr., Department of Yogic Sciences, Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Haridwar Uttarakhand, India
Juel, Jarani, Faculty of Movement Sciences, Sports University of Tirana, Albania
Juezan, Gideon I., Sports Director/Instructor 1, Davao del Sur State College, Philippines
Juezan, Gideon I., PhD Student, Sports Coordinator, Davao del Sur State College, University of the Immaculate Conception, Philippines
Juezan, Gideon I., Sports Coordinator, Institute of Teacher Education, Davao del Sur State College, 8002, Digos City, Philippines
Juezan, Ivan Jee I., Physical Education Instructor, Department of Education, Mindanao State University Naawan Branch, 9023 Naawan, Misamims Oriental, Philippines
Juezan, Ivan Jee I., Graduate Student, University of Mindanao, Instructor 1, Mindanao State University-Naawan, Philippines
Jung-Sheng, Chen, Applied English and Foreign Languages Department, Hungkuo Delin University of Technology, Tucheng, New Taipei City, Taiwan (Romania)
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