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Beirami, Navid Poor, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Belkacem, Charbi, Dr., Teacher and Lecturer, Class A, Institute of Physical and Sports Sciences and Techniques, University Zian Achour, Djelfa, Algeria, Director of the Laboratory of the Sport System in Algeria
Belkacem, Sifi, Physical Education and Sports Institute, University Mostganem, Algéria
Bendahman, N., Laboratory "Optimization of programs of physical activities and Sports" (LABOPAPS) /IEPS/ University of Mostaganem, Algeria
Bendehiba, Djourdem, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, University of Mostaganem, Algeria
Bendo, Aida, Department of Health and Movement, Sports University of Tirana, Albania
Benzidane, Houcine, Laboratory of Programs Optimization in APS, Institute of Physical Education and Sports, University of Mostaganem, Algeria
Berber, Urkus, M.Sc., Izmir Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, Turkey
Berber, Urkus, M.Sc., Trainer, Izmir Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, Turkey
Berberidou, Fani, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Berk, Yunus, Research Assistant, Ondokuz Mayıs University, 55139, Samsun, Turkey
Berning, J. M., New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA
Betty Retnowulan, R. R., Department of Sport Science, Post-graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
Bhardwaj, Sudesh, Dr., DAV College, Sector-10, Chandigarh, India
Bhat, Raof Ahmad, PhD Student, Department of Physical Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Bhat, Tahir Ramzan, Ph.D. Scholar, L.N.I.P.E. Gwalior, India
Bhowmik, Sanjib Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Tripura University, Tripura, India
Bhowmik, Sanjib Kumar, Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Tripura University, India
Biçer, Mürsel, Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey
Biçer, Mürsel, Prof. Dr., Gaziantep University, Health Sciences Institute, Turkey
Biçer, Mürsel, Gaziantep University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Gaziantep, Turkey
Biçer, Mürsel, Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey
Biçer, Mürsel, Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey
Biçer, Mürsel, Gaziantep University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Gaziantep, Turkey
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