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Bozyigit, Elif, Pamukkale University, Faculty of Sport Science, Department of Sport Management, Denizli, Turkey
Brahim, Hamani, Institute of Physical and Sports Activities, Bouira University, Algeria
Brahim, Hamani, Mr., Institute of Sciences and Techniques, Institute of Physical and Sport Education, Sports Activities, Bouira University, Algeria
Brahim, Harbach, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, University of Mostaganem, Algeria
Bram Riyadi, Muhamad, Department of Sport Science, Post-graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
Brisimis, Evangelos, University of Thessaly, Trikala, Greece
Broa, Dann Ian G., Department of Teacher Education, UM Digos College, Philippines
Buğdaycı, Selçuk, Selçuk University, Faculty of Sciences, Konya, Turkey
Buğdaycı, Selçuk, Selçuk University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Konya, Turkey
Buğdaycı, Selçuk, Selçuk University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Konya, Turkey
Bucao, Kirk Nicolas, Student, College of Teacher Education, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
Budiarti, Ratna, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Bukhala, Peter, Department of Health Promotion and Sports Science, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya
Bulgurcuoğlu, A., Cyprus International University, School of Physical Education and Sports, TNRC
Bulinda, Mugala Hannington, Department of Physical and Health Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Buot, Aubrey Jane S., University of San Jose-Recoletos, Department of Physical Education, Philippines
Buyar, Cengiz, Assoc. Dr. Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Head of Department of Turcology, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0549-4463
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