The linguistic description on the syntactic level is formulated in terms of constituent analysis as a generative. We now can ask what form of grammar is presupposed by description of this sort. We find that the new form of grammatical is essentially more powerful than the finite state model rejected above, and that the associated concept of “linguistic level” is different in fundamental respects. The Albanian generative words, nouns, verbs etc., are possible to analyze and to generate new words with a new meaning. Thus, even an entire clause may function as a noun or verb phrase. Some further evidence that categories are complex entities comes from the fact that phrase categories go together with, or are “projection” of, specific word level categories. This was first highlighted in Harris (1951) ad was take up in Chomsky (1970), Jackendoff (1977) or Muysken 1985 etc. The aim of this paper is to description some Albanian words in the concept of the generative. The aim of this paper is to description some Albanian words in the concept of the generative.
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