Ching-Chung Guey, Meng-huey Su


The present study investigates the effects of different presentation styles and learning styles of EFL students on an English clause recognition task. The study addresses the following questions: a) Do different styles of presentation affect EFL learners’ performance on recognition of English clauses? b) Do students of different learning styles perform differently on recognition tasks of the three English That-clauses? and c) Do students of different learning styles benefit differently from different presentation styles? A total of 182 students were randomly assigned to four treatment groups (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, and Reading/Writing presentations) based on the results of The VARK Questionnaire. Results indicate significant effects on three different clauses (best on Adjectival), significant differences in learning styles, the interaction between presentation styles and clauses as well as the interaction between presentation styles and learning styles. A complementary effect is assumed to explain the inconsistencies of some of our predictions and the results. More studies concerning presentation and learning styles are necessary for the complementary effect.


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presentation style, learning style, clausal structures, EFL instruction, cognitive load theory

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.1419


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