Gürbüz Ocak, Burak Olur


The aim of this study is to develop a five likert scale called ‘Foreign Language Speaking Self-Efficacy’. A draft scale which includes 38 items has been given to 493 students studying in Afyon Kocatepe University, Foreign Languages School in Turkey. The principal component analysis has been employed in facto analysis of the scale to examine the structural validity. As a result of the analysis 14 items have been excluded and remaining 24 items have been grouped under 3 factors. The total explained variance is 57,428. The Cronbach’s Alpha value is .944 that indicates the internal consistency of the scale. Furthermore, item-total and item-remaining correlations are significant (p<.001) and item discrimination tested by t-test to the bottom and top 27% is also found significant. After exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis has been carried out and goodness of fit indexes are seen either acceptable or close to the acceptable values (RMSEA= 0,74; CFI=0,89; RMR=0,61; GFI=0,82; AGFI=0,78; NNFI=0,87).


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foreign language, speaking, self-efficacy, scale

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