Sesegma Balzhirova


This study examines Russian Language Textbooks (RLT) published in China since 1949 to uncover the changes that have happened to the Status of Russian Language Education in China in various historical periods since 1949.The study explores the major differences throughout these historical periods regarding Russian Language Education in Chinese Normal Universities and the factors have contributed to these changes. The study has examined the changes of Russian language textbooks in different Chinese political, economic, social and cultural contexts and found a tendency of the textbooks to move from collectivist ideologies, serving mainly the interests of the country in the 1950s to individualist ideologies that concern the interests of the learners in the 2000s. In addition, the learners for whom the textbooks were designed were being socialized into the identity of Chinese citizens (socialist patriots) in the 1950s but global citizens in the 2000s. The functions of Russian language in China, in turn, shifted during this time from facilitating communication for scientific, business and travelling purposes, to enhancing cross-cultural understanding in the 21st century. The study was concluded with a discussion of the implications of the research on textbooks for Russian language education.


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Russian Language Textbook (RLT), ideology, Normal University

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