Smaragda Papadopoulou


The Greek Language Teaching and Cultural Centre DI.K.E.P.P.E.E. "Stavros Niarchos" in the Ioannina University is the subject of our suggestion on teaching approaches, the teaching tools, textbooks used and techniques which contribute to the Foreign Adult and Children’s Greek Literacy. Teaching applications and experiential learning of Greek as a foreign language in the last two teaching years at the specific Educational Centre are discussed. We also present the learning conditions in such a particular border region of Epirus and the operations of the Centre under the auspices of the University to communicate the Greek language and civilization with an emphasis on the participation of students from the Balkans and the Black Sea countries. The importance of their presence for the promotion of Greek in a language - bridge between cultures is noted. Also, we propose ideas to possible future cooperation activities in respect of students’ birthplaces and teaching the Greek language in the Balkans and the Black Sea area. We supported and organized a coordinated research in order to overcome learning difficulties, present possibilities and empower the future of the Greek language as an international education.


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teaching approaches, Greek as a foreign language, foreign scholars, free students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.1544


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