Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska


The adoption of synonyms, homonyms, and antonyms is inevitable when studying English as a foreign language. Acquiring, mastering and practicing of these types of words and the essence of the mutual relationships that they pose amongst them are of essential importance to any existing or potential speaker of the English language. Given the morphological productivity, as well as the changing nature as a characteristic of any language, their referential and poetic function also develops. Learning vocabulary is a key element in the study of any language and its wealth is seen precisely in the number of synonyms, homonyms and antonyms represented in it. On the other hand, the recognition and proper usage and practice of these types of words are considered as one of the most proficient characteristics and level of knowledge of foreign speaking skills language. This paper starts from a theoretical consideration of the semantic aspect of the adoption of synonyms, homonyms and antonyms in English teaching as foreign language. In order to determine the problems that might arise in their adoption in teaching in English as a foreign language, the factors that affect the general adoption of the language are given first and comparisons are made between the adoption of mother tongue and any other foreign language. The results of the research show that certain problems in the adoption these types of words can cause not only the differences between Macedonian as mother tongue and English as foreign, but also the very way of their adoption. The problems in teaching when adopting synonyms, homonyms and antonyms stand as a subject of this research.


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semantics, language acquisition, sense relations, EFL

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