The purpose of this study is to evaluate the problems of Turkish instruction offered to the Syrians in line with teacher opinions. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers has been utilized in order to determine the opinions of teachers, managers and assistant personnel engaged in teaching Turkish to the Syrians related to the issues arising from the teaching environment and the teaching equipment and materials within the extent of the research carried out in form of a case study from the qualitative research methods. The working group of study has been formed by 40 teachers determined according to the method of easy-to-reach situation and principle of voluntary participation. As a result of this research formed within the framework of teacher opinions, it has been found out that the most serious educator – originated problem in the teaching Turkish language to the Syrians was the educational perception distinction between Syrian and Turkish teachers and that the students are prejudiced against Turkish language and they did not have any need to learn Turkish and the administrators have precluded in-class activities and the auxiliary staff has exhibited inappropriate behaviors and there were serious deficiencies in the learning environment and that the materials prepared to teach Turkish to Syrians were inadequate and not matching with its intended objective.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.1671
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