The objective of this research is to exert the attitudes of senior students (pre-service teachers) in French Teaching Programme with regards to the use of technology, as well as identifying the frequently used technological tools & materials, including the challenges confronted while using these tools & materials. The research was carried out on 30 teacher candidates, studying in French Teaching Programme within the Department of Foreign Languages Education, in Anadolu University - Faculty of Education. Categorized as a qualitative & quantitative study, the research was carried out using the one-sample final-test research model. The quantitative data of the research was obtained using the Technological Attitude Scale, thus performing statistical analyses. On the other hand, the qualitative data was collected with 2 open-ended questions addressed to the students. Assessment of the answers given for these questions was obtained using the document analysis method, while performing frequency & percentage analysis. Considering the findings obtained from the research, it can be said that the senior students in French Teaching Programme were familiar with the technological tools & materials, and that they developed positive attitudes with regards to the use of these tools & materials. It was observed that the main tools & materials that are frequently used in class were computers, smart boards, and correspondingly the Office programs. It was ascertained that almost half of the students did not confront any problem with regards to the use of technological tools & materials. The main challenges confronted by the students are the retardation of technological tools, internet connection cut-off, including not having the required knowledge on certain programs.
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