Reyhane Farmani, Omid Akbari, Afsaneh Ghanizadeh


Purpose: This research investigated the effect of immediate and delayed error correction on motivation of EFL learners to approve or disapprove the research hypothesis that, there is not any significant difference between three group of immediate correction, delayed Correction and control group.

Methodology: This article was conducted by three groups of 30 subjects and in total, population of 90 learners. The errors committed by three groups of immediate correction, delayed Correction and control group were corrected in three different ways: immediately and with delay and with no special method, respectively. A motivation questionnaire and a language test were given to three groups in the first session of the term and the last session of the term to see the effect of different kind of error correction. The data of pre-test and post-test were analyzed by SPSS and one way ANOVA was used.

Findings: The result provided evidence for reject of the hypothesis and immediate group performed better than delayed group and control group.

Significance: This study is the first research investigating the effect of error correction time on motivation.


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error correction, motivation, immediate error correction, delayed error correction


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