Ching-Chung Guey


Based on the principles of psychology's behaviorism, cognition, and humanism, this paper proposes a translational teaching model involving 6 variables: goals, assessments, teachers, students, textbooks, and teaching methods. In addition, the ability level of the translator (primary, intermediate, and advanced) is also included in the translation teaching. This paper also attempts to combine behaviorism (e.g., instructional teaching), cognitivist/constructivism (e.g., Bruner's discovery pedagogy, and Vygotsky's social interactions and the role of scaffolding) and humanism (e.g., cooperation learning or individualized teaching methods). The principles of these teaching concepts will be integrated. This model provides a comprehensive reference architecture for the design of translational instructional courses.


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scaffolding, discovery teaching, translation teaching mode, communicative translation competence

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