Hasan Yılmaz


Languages are the means of communication that enable the interaction of different cultures. Having a grasp of a language requires to have sufficient vocabulary in addition to language skills. Considering this fact, foreign language teaching is carried out in order to teach the related foreign language in the most efficient way by making use of the results of different sciences. Linguistics is a branch of science that examines the language within its various aspects and takes it as a work item with different perspectives. On the other hand, semiotics is one of the sub-branches of linguistics and aims to put forth how to use a language effectively as a means of communication through concrete findings. Idioms are also among the most important elements that enrich a language. People who communicate in written communication or in verbal communication express their wishes and thoughts in a concise and effective manner thanks to the idioms they use. In other words, the use of situational and context-dependent idioms during communication is an important sign of the mastery of the language used for communication. In this study, the idioms created by using the functions of human organs belonging to the head that constitute an important part of phraseology which is a major research subject in semiotics will be discussed comparatively in Turkish and German examples. A Turkish student who learns German as a foreign language (L2) and who has knowledge about the approximate equivalent of these idioms in German will be able to learn these expressions in a more concrete way and will manage to use them situationally in real communication environments of target culture as he/she has knowledge in the usage environment of these expressions when the equivalents of these idioms are given in their native language.


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semiotics, culture, idiom, communication

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