An abc-book is the first school book that aims to form the skills to speak, read and write in the Albanian language. Like in any other book, the abc-book has some types of names. The names on these abc-books compose an important and interesting field for studies. During this research we will focus at the onomastics of Albanian abc-books in Kosovo from the year of 1945 – 2012. This study of onomastics especially analyses the anthroponomastics or the personal names. The group of anthroponyms shall include these types of individual names: names from one Albanian word, Illyrian names, Catholic names, Slavic names, oriental names, anthroponyms that came from places, the form of names that came from the first and last part of the name and names from abbreviations and different cuttings etc. This research is a study that describes and compares names from one abc- book to another. By studying different types of names in the abc-books we open a window for knowledge to the abc-books as special books, we knowledge the value of educational names as well as the types of the names in the abc-books of different periods that our people had to go through. Essentially, the study of the names has special importance because it contributes to history of education and linguistics.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.2387
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