Using smartphones for learning a language has long been recommended by scholars. However, its effectiveness is still the subject of argument. Moreover, due to the limited time in the conventional language classes, students do not have the chance to practice all vocabulary items which may hinder the learning process. Accordingly, a mixed method only-post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted. Also, for the qualitative phase, data were gathered through a focus group interview with the participants chosen through purposive sampling. It was confirmed that there was a significant effect of online practicing on vocabulary learning of the language learners. Furthermore, it was found out that the participants held a positive attitude for practicing target words through Telegram. In addition, the study results showed that using Telegram application does not have a significant effect on the retention of the vocabulary of the learners. From the results of this study, the researcher proposed some pedagogical implications to EFL teachers, practitioners, material developers, policy makers, and other English education stakeholders.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.2400
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